


  教育部體育署於2015年開始推動「優化國際體育交流活動管理計畫」,並於2017年以「夯運動in Taiwan」為主軸,每年定期針對各項國際賽事安排專家代表實地訪視,致力提升國際賽事籌辦質量;另透過各式活動、講座等,提升賽事主辦單位的基本知能、賽事行銷規劃、賽事品牌經營技巧,亦於每年年底舉辦大期年度成果活動,表揚優質賽事、標竿賽事經驗分享,以促成賽事間的共學成長。


The Sports Administration, Ministry of Education began implementing the Program for Optimizing of International Sports Exchange in 2015; from 2017, with the theme Fun Sports in Taiwan, onsite inspection visits to various international sports events by experts and representatives have been arranged annually in an effort to increase the quality of event organizing; also, through various activities and lectures, the level of basic competences, event marketing planning and event brand operating skills of organizing units has been raised. A large scale annual event is also held at the end of every year to commend excellent events and share benchmark events to promote joint growth of events.

As well as raising the level of sports events, there is also the important mission of international sport event marketing. Through diverse marketing channels, information about holding events is conveyed to the public annually; the purpose is to increase their knowledge of various events; various kinds of promotional materials are made and promotion carried out on social media to encourage people to actively go to venues to spectate. Also, combining international sports organizations, academia, industry and other channels, mutual exchange and learning is enhanced. The aim is that Taiwan Brand Sports Events will move the world and, together with the world, promote the positive energy of sports.

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